We are very excited to announce our first keynote speaker for ECIL 2020: Professor Olof Sundin, Lund University.
Address title: Algorithms and Platforms: Is there a Place for Information Literacy?
Olof Sundin is a Professor in Information Studies at Lund University, Sweden (since 2012). He holds a PhD from the University of Gothenburg, Sweden (2003). Before starting at Lund Uuniversity in 2005, he was a researcher and lecturer at the Swedish School of Library and Informaton Science at Boras University. Sundin’s work primarily concerns information literacies and information practices in various settings. More precisely, he researches the configuration of information in contemporary society, the construction of public knowledge in relation to trust, and information searching and use. Sundin has published extensively in international forums. In 2019 he published the book Invisible search and online earch engines: The ubiquity of search in everyday life (Routledge, with Jutta Haider) and he currently co-leads the project “Algorithms and Literacies: Young people’s understanding and society’s expectations” (2018-2021, The Swedish Research Council). Sundin has been commissioned as an expert by the Government Offices Sweden, Swedish National Agency for Education, Swedish Schools Inspectorate, and The Swedish Internet Foundation.