Markus Behmer is a professor in Media and Communication Studies at the University of Bamberg (since 2009). He holds a PhD from Ludwig-Maximilians-University, Munich (1996). Since 2015 he is also dean of the Faculty of Humanities and Cultural Sciences.
Address title: Overnewsed but underinformed? Some Challenges and Contradictions of the Information Society in the Digital Age
Before coming to Bamberg, he was a researcher and lecturer at the Institute of Communication Science and Media Research at Munich University. Behmer’s main fields of research are media history, recent trends in journalism focusing especially on media ethics and press freedom, cultural communication, and the role of media in the field of development cooperation. He has organized numerous conferences und published various books and articles. Some of his latest publications are Konfliktzonen. Reflexionen über die Kriegs- und Krisenberichterstattung (i.e. Conflict Zones. Reflections about the Covering of War and Crises) (2016 – Ed. with Michael Schröder) and Die Rezension. Aktuelle Tendenzen der Literaturkritik (i.e. Review. Current Tendencies in Literary Criticism) (2017 – ed. with Andrea Bartl).
Currently he leads a project about the formation and progression of private radio and TV in Bavaria (1985-2020).